Tuesday, November 17, 2009

If You Have the Faith of a Mustard Seed...

God is everywhere. He is with you now, he is with me now. He knows everything you have done, every thought you have thought and every thought you will think. He knows what sins you have committed and he knows what sins you will commit. He knows if you have accepted him into your life and he will love you regardless. His one and only son died upon the cross for our sins, so that we may be forgiven. He can guide you to salvation; he can lead you in the paths of righteousness (Psalm 23:3). You may walk through the valley of the shadow of death, but He is with you (Psalm 23:4). He is always with you. Even now, with the economic crisis we are experiencing, God is with us. He will lead us through these dark times; he will be there to keep us on track. We must remain true to His design. He sees what the world is like and knows the struggles we go through, but they are all part of the experience of life. Times might be tough now, but it is a test of our trust in His holiness. We shall prevail, for our love runs deep for our Lord. He is always with you, He is always watching over you. Now is the time, more than ever, to trust in you Lord God.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

His name, Immanuel; “God with us” (Matthew 1:23)

When I was a child, my father would explain to me that God was everywhere. It took until now for me to realize the truth in his words. Just walk outside and you can see God at work. He gave us this Earth so that we could see his beauty. You can feel God, not only when you walk into the church to worship his holy name, but when you walk through a garden that represents our cry for our lost Garden of Eden. Stop to admire a single plant in the garden and you can see the complexity it holds; such complexity that it is undeniable that God exists. Notice how intricate the petals of a rose are; each petal is in the exact place it should be, making the flower symmetrical. The flower even produces a sweet smell, which attracts specific insects so the plant can reproduce through pollen exchange. The flower will then die so that the life it now carries within itself will be able to grow. The seed will drop and then the unimaginable will happen. The cells within that tiny seed will use all of the stored up energy from the parent plant to burst out into a dark, dangerous environment. This young plant will struggle against the environment until it reaches its first touch of sunshine. Using the sun God created for us, that young plant will grow to become a rose bush that we can enjoy.